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Elevate Your Online Presence with a Professional and Creative Website Redesign

Redesign your backdated website made looking professional and creative.

Revitalize your online presence with Odexp Redesign. Our expert team will transform your outdated website into a captivating showcase, combining professional aesthetics with creative flair. Upgrade your online image and engage your audience like never before. Contact us today for a website transformation that leaves a lasting impact.

100% Eye-Catching Professional Design to Upgrade Your Backdated Website

Website Redesigning Cost

From Professional Business to Enterprise: Redesign Solutions Tailored to Your Growth and Success!

Discover the Perfect Plan for Your Unique Website

Discover the cost-effective solutions for website redesigning that fit perfectly with your unique website. At Online Development Expert, we understand that each website has its own requirements and goals. That’s why our pricing is tailored to provide you with the best value for your investment. Whether you have a professional business website or an enterprise-level platform, we have the expertise and flexibility to meet your needs. Let our skilled team revitalize your online presence and unlock the true potential of your website. Contact us today to discuss your website redesign goals and get a personalized quote that aligns with your budget.

Starting From

Standard Website
$ 49 One Time Payment

Why Choose Website Redesign?Β 

Discover the power of website redesign and unlock the true potential of your online presence. With evolving business landscapes and changing customer expectations, it’s essential to stay ahead with a website that reflects your brand’s vision and delivers exceptional user experiences.

Stay Relevant and Engaging

Stay Relevant and Engaging: An outdated website can leave a negative impression on visitors. A website redesign breathes new life into your online identity, giving it a modern and captivating look that resonates with your target audience. Stand out from the competition and create a lasting impact.

Align with Changing Business Goals

As your business evolves, your website must align with your current objectives. A redesign allows you to realign your messaging, showcase new products or services, and reflect your brand's growth and transformation. Ensure your website serves as an effective tool to support your business Embrace Innovative Technologies goals.

Enhance User Experience

A user-friendly website is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors. Through redesign, you can optimize navigation, improve loading times, and ensure responsiveness across devices. A seamless user experience encourages engagement, boosts conversions, and drives business growth.

Optimize for Mobile and SEO

Mobile optimization is critical as more users access websites from smartphones and tablets. A redesign ensures your website is fully responsive, delivering a seamless experience across all devices. Additionally, you can incorporate SEO best practices during the redesign, improving search engine visibility and driving organic traffic.

Gain a Competitive Edge

In a digital world, first impressions matter. A professionally redesigned website gives you a competitive advantage by capturing attention, instilling trust, and conveying your brand's value proposition effectively. Stand out from competitors and establish your online authority.

Embrace Innovative Technologies

A website redesign allows you to embrace new technologies and trends that enhance user engagement. Incorporate interactive features, chatbots, personalized experiences, and immersive visuals to create a memorable and dynamic online presence.

Don’t let an outdated website hold you back. Invest in a website redesign to revitalize your online presence, attract more visitors, and achieve your business goals. Our expert team is ready to collaborate with you, bringing your vision to life and delivering a website that truly represents your brand’s identity. Contact us today to embark on your website redesign journey and unleash the full potential of your online success.

Our Work Process

Every project is unique and we offer tailor-made end results. However, we maintain a precise approach to maximise the success rate. Our agile, results-driven, and transparent work approach has proved its merit in multiple projects:


We conduct a thorough market research, competitor analysis, target audience, and clients’ requirement before starting out with the project. This helps us to properly present the brand personality through all the elements on the website.


Next, we implement functionalities to bring the site into life. We offer a comprehensive front and backend web solution with the help of the tech stack like Angular, React, HTML5/CSS3, Node.js, PHP (Laravel, Cake PHP, CodeIgniter), MySQL, MongoDB etc.


We start with creating a user flow map to determine the best navigability of the website. This is followed by wireframing and prototyping that set the overall structure, functionality, and content of the project. Upon the clients’ approval, we move on to the next step.


Before your site goes live, we thoroughly review the codes, features, and functionalities of the website. That way, we can ensure that the features and functionalities on the websites are glitch-free and it offers a top-notch user experience (UX).


We start with creating a user flow map to determine the best navigability of the website. This is followed by wireframing and prototyping that set the overall structure, functionality, and content of the project. Upon the clients’ approval, we move on to the next step.


In case you need to update any functionality or add custom features and conduct a thorough maintenance, we got you covered. We offer an extensive maintenance service including server load monitoring, code back-ups and security audits.

Get in Touch With Us.

Whether you’re interested in working with us or for us, we’re always happy to chat.
For Inquiries: +880 1730 71 26 21