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What is VPS Hosting?

What is VPS Hosting?

In this era of new technology inventions and skill development, not having your own website is absolutely unacceptable. We can run a multi-crore business starting from a virtual workspace using a website.

We need to build websites constantly for the increasing demand of the website. But before creating a website we need to think about domain and hosting. Because there are thousands of companies offering different offers in the market. We cannot decide which of these hosting packages is better or should be purchased. In our today’s article we talk about VPS hosting? I will discuss it. By reading the entire article till the end you can buy the perfect hosting package for your website.

What is VPS Hosting?

VPS or Virtual Private Server also known as Virtual Private Server or VPS is a popular hosting service. What a VPS is actually in its name. Here a virtual server is a dedicated server with a more distinct OS on a dedicated physical server. That is, it is much like shared hosting where there are many users on one server. But as in Shared Hosting where everything on a server is shared and used, VPS is different.

As we use personal computers in our home, VPS servers also have separate personal computers setup. Just as you use separate storage, RAM, CPU and other resources independently with full access to your personal computer, VPS is the same. Here virtual computer is created by emulator software called hypervisor. Personal servers are created by installing Windows or Linux OS with full SSH access.

VPS servers are hosting services that fall somewhere between shared and dedicated hosting. That is, it has more convenient features than shared hosting. On the other hand, it is not as rich in features as dedicated hosting but its flavor is available. Because dedicated IP is provided in VPS hosting.

Basically VPS is to create more virtual computers inside one computer. These virtual computers have dedicated OS, storage, RAM, CPU. You will also have superuser access to the entire server. Because of which you can do everything you want on your VPS server, from customization to server reboots. You can host any website or app you want on the space you buy.

What is the function of VPS?

On VPS you can host both your website and app. You can maintain them as per your wish. But apart from these there are some other tasks which cannot be done in shared hosting but can be done in VPS server.

For example, you can host company meetings by setting up an open source meeting script on your VPS server. Or you can use this server to do an experimental project, the control of which will be in your hands.

So hopefully you understand what VPS does. Still it would be better to discuss a real life example to understand more crystal clear. Nowadays VPS server is the first choice of people to host their website. Because having a separate personal computer gives the advantage of using a server with root access.

Here are 6 important uses of a VPS server:

Server Hosting: Basically the main purpose of buying VPS package is to host the server. Because we usually buy hosting to host websites. VPS server allows us to create servers with dedicated IP.

Running a High Traffic Website: A website often experiences fluctuating visitor traffic. Sometimes a certain content has the potential to get a lot of hits on the website. Since VPS servers have personal virtual servers, there is less stress on the core configuration to handle high traffic. That’s why VPS is perfect for high traffic websites or apps. Although dedicated server is the best option but the price of dedicated server is very high. As such, VPS is a very good and reliable option.

Experimental Projects: There are many types of experimental projects we have to conduct for different needs. VPS is a very good and flexible medium to do all these tasks. Because here personal computers are available with personal OS. Where experiments can be conducted as desired.

Torrent Seeding: We know we need dedicated IP to seed torrent files. VPS server smoothly facilitates personal PC with dedicated IP. This is why VPS servers are used for seeding torrent files. VPS server security can be maintained manually and torrent seeding can be done by hiding the IP.

Gaming Server Host: While playing games we face many types of lagging problems. Besides, there are many other problems. Imagine how it would feel if you hosted the game on your own server and played multiplayer? Definitely a great experience. Moreover, you can host your own games on your personal VPS server.

Backup: We need to backup many things from time to time. We use many online drives to store files. But if there is a personal drive, then of course it is better! So you can use your VPS server as a backup for all types of files. And you will have control over all the files.

Advantages, disadvantages of VPS hosting

1 thought on “What is VPS Hosting?”

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